Opportunity for input: Non-residential waste paper and packaging

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The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy is seeking input from local governments about reducing non-residential paper waste in BC. A new discussion paper, Preventing Waste in British Columbia: Non-Residential Packaging and Paper Products, includes possible desired outcomes and potential policy approaches.

Non-residential (also referred to as Industrial-Commercial-Institutional) paper waste and packaging in schools, offices, restaurants, stores, jobsites and other locations outside the home are not currently included in BC’s paper and packaging recycling program. UBCM members have endorsed numerous resolutions calling for Industrial-Commercial-Institutional waste to be included in the provincial recycling program.

The Province plans to hold information sessions as well as collaborative workshops on the discussion paper, with registration details to follow. Local governments can provide comments on the discussion paper as well as complete an online questionnaire until July 23, 2024.