De-Centralizing Forest Management

Whereas the forest sector in British Columbia is in crisis with thousands out of work and facing hardship; forestry companies closing mills, curtailing operations and redirecting investment outside of the province; and once thriving rural communities experiencing severe economic decline; And whereas many communities across British Columbia and globally have demonstrated that when local people are empowered to manage public forests and other resources through community forest licences, regional trusts and other community-based governance models, they can enhance environmental sustainability

Local Government Price Index

Whereas local government and household spending are often compared by taxpayers through the lens of the Consumer Price Index which measures changes in the prices paid by household consumers for goods and services; And whereas local government purchases do not fall into the same category as household purchases with respect to the types of goods each purchases: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to create a Local Government Price Index that more accurately reflects the projected costs of the types of goods that local government purchase.

Whistleblower Legislation

Whereas whistleblower legislation has become statute for provincial government employees; And whereas local government does not have an independent third party to receive whistleblower complaints or concerns: Therefore be to resolved that UBCM create an independent third party to handle complaints and concerns of local government employees and officials or lobby the provincial government to expand their program to include local government.

Police Services Model of Funding

Whereas for local governments under the 5,000 population threshold, approximately 33 percent of local government policing costs are recovered by the Province via police taxes, and as soon as the population hits 5,000, the local government is required to fund 70 percent of the total cost for policing as described in the policing agreements; And whereas this can create sudden, large increases in the amount of funding required to address policing costs which can be an incredible, sudden and immediate financial shock for small local governments that are already struggling: Therefore be it res

Coordinated Strategy to Address Liveaboards

Whereas affordable housing pressures are leading to a growing population of liveaboards along the British Columbia coastline; And whereas there are cumulative impacts on the marine environment and inadequate access to public services for liveaboard communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Province of British Columbia to work with First Nations, and federal, provincial, and local government stakeholders, to develop a coordinated strategy to study and address the environmental and social impacts associated with liveaboards on the British Columbia coastline.

Recovering Costs for the Illegal Disposal of Wildlife Carcasses

Whereas BCs small and rural governments are incurring waste disposal fees due to the illegal disposal of wildlife carcasses or parts on local government lands, including lands where people may be present, which is an offence under the Wildlife Act; And whereas discarded wildlife carcasses or parts is defined in the Wildlife Act as an attractant to potentially dangerous wildlife; therefore a potential danger to people and domestic animals when illegally disposed of on land where there are likely to be people.

Provincial Government Funding Increase for BC Housing

Whereas adult supportive housing funded by BC Housing provides accommodation for people with a history of severe trauma, often resulting in difficult behaviours that can have significant impact on surrounding neighbourhoods and requiring skilled caregivers to manage; And whereas government funding for BC Housing does not include adequate levels to either provide neighbourhood outreach services or assure skilled staff and minimal turnover: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to increase funding levels to BC Housing in order to mandate and assure that commun

Private Managed Forest Land Program Environment Values

Whereas the Province reviewed the Private Managed Forest Land PMFL Program in 2019 to inform the governments consideration of future policy options; And whereas local governments strongly indicated that key public environmental values in the Private Managed Forest Land Act are insufficient: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of British Columbia proceed with amendments to the management objectives and regulatory framework for Private Managed Forest Lands to better protect drinking water quality and riparian areas, and to require alternatives to slash pile burning

Funding for Clean Renewable Energy Projects

Whereas the BC Hydro Standing Offer Program encouraging the development of new small and clean renewable energy projects was indefinitely suspended in 2019 after the Provinces comprehensive review of BC Hydro; And whereas renewable energy projects are a feasible revenue source for local governments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of British Columbia reinstate the BC Hydro funding and electricity purchase program for renewable energy projects for local governments.