Encouraging Personal Accountability in Emergency Management

Whereas the Province is modernizing the Emergency Program Act which sets out the responsibilities of the Province and local governments related to emergency preparedness, response and recovery; And whereas individuals and businesses must be informed to understand their personal responsibilities in emergency preparedness with regard to the things individuals and businesses can and should do to mitigate the impact of any emergency; Therefore be it resolved that the Province, as part of its work to modernize emergency management legislation, fund education targeting all key stakeholders, in

Restoring Sustainable Provincial Library Funding Levels

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by levies paid by local government, and where Provincial library funding has remained virtually stagnant for the past 30 years; And whereas libraries in British Columbia provide open and equal public access to vital resources, including the internet, public computers, digital library tools and in-person service from expert staff to provide opportunities for all British Columbians to access knowledge and information and increase literacy in our communities and present informative programs, including First Nations programs and mater

Taxation of Group 4 Independent Schools

Whereas Group 4 independent schools bring hundreds of student residents to our communities that consume municipal services such as transit, library, bylaw enforcement, policing, and road and trail maintenance; And whereas the Community Charter exempts these Group 4 Independent Schools from property taxation which the municipality normally utilizes to fund these services, thereby placing an extra burden on existing taxpayers; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC either remove the tax exemption for Group 4 Independent Schools from Provincial legislation or pro

Equitable Police Funding Model

Whereas the current RCMP policing model sees BC municipalities over 5,000 in population pay the full provincial cost share either 70 percent or 90 percent depending on the size, while unincorporated areas, and municipalities under 5,000 in population pay the provincial police tax rate, which covers up to 50 percent of the estimated cost of policing; And whereas due to this system there is an inequity perceived by municipalities and their taxpayers due to the Province subsidizing policing costs for some taxpayers and not others: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial g

Home Heating Oil Spill Prevention

Whereas home heating oil is very toxic, killing fish and other marine life in waterbodies; And whereas prevention is the most effective means to safeguard our environment and avoid the unnecessary provincial and municipal expenditure of both time and money for clean up: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to consult with local governments on the feasibility of legislation to: 1. Require home heating oil tanks be registered and tagged as being in good condition and prohibit companies from filling tanks without a proper tag; 2.

Partnerships for Fare-Free Public Transit

Whereas equitable access to mobility is fundamental to full and meaningful participation in local communities, including access to education, employment, services, recreation, culture and community life, and noting that emissions from transportation generate a majority of community-based emissions in many communities, meaning that changes in transportation options have the potential to have a substantial impact in reducing green-house gas emissions; And whereas forward-looking jurisdictions around the world from Kingston, Ontario to Kansas City, Missouri, to Luxembourg and Estonia are elim

Provide Universal No-Cost Coverage of Prescription Contraception

Whereas cost is a significant barrier to people accessing contraception, particularly to people with low incomes, youth, and people from marginalized communities; And whereas providing free prescription contraception has been shown to improve health outcomes for parents and infants by reducing the risks associated with unintended pregnancy, and is likely to reduce direct medical costs on the provincial health system: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to make all prescription contraception in BC available at no cost under the Medical Services Plan.

Tax Land and Improvements Separately

Whereas unaffordable housing generally reflects high land values that are driven up by speculation, which makes ownership very expensive to buy, but profitable for sellers and developers, and puts rental housing at a disadvantage when competing for buildable sites; And whereas a lower property tax rate on improvements and a higher rate on land value could be made to keep taxes the same or lower for most properties, but would reduce the speculative gain from ownership and make rental housing developments more competitive: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province amend t

Amend the Residential Tenancy Act to Strengthen Maintenance Standards

Whereas property maintenance standards are vital for protecting existing housing stock and tenants as they help to ensure that living environments are safe, secure, and appropriate; And whereas many jurisdictions currently lack regional and municipal standards or regulations, including municipal bylaws or health standards: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM call on the provincial government to amend the Residential Tenancy Act to strengthen standards of property maintenance that set out a breadth of health, safety, and security standards, and establishes enforcement mechanisms that en