Accessibility Guarantee for Passenger Directed Vehicles

Whereas Bill 55, the BC Passenger Transportation Amendment Act which took effect September 16, 2019, imposes a 0.30 fee for each non-accessible vehicle trip, but otherwise does not oblige passenger directed vehicles PDVs to a timeline or otherwise mandate a percentage of all fleet vehicles be accessible; And whereas according to statistics from the Passenger Transportation Board, about 14 per cent of taxis in the province and about 19 per cent in Metro Vancouver are accessible and in other jurisdictions transportation network services app-based ride hailing services have demonstrated an a

Accessibility Funding for Passenger Directed Vehicles

Whereas Bill 55, the BC Passenger Transportation Amendment Act which took effect September 16, 2019, imposes a 0.30 fee for each non-accessible vehicle trip, but otherwise does not determine how or when those funds will be deployed to support accessibility of passenger directed vehicles PDVs; And whereas the disability community has identified a number of PDV accessibility concerns, including but not limited to a lack of accessible vehicles or central dispatch for accessible vehicles, accessible booking or payment processes or compulsory driver training: Therefore be it resolved that UB

Election Finance Tax Credits

Whereas the Canada Revenue Agency cites the Income Tax Act for the deduction from tax otherwise payable of a portion of the total eligible amount of monetary contributions to a registered party, a provincial division of a registered party, a registered association, or a candidate, as those terms are defined in the Canada Elections Act.

Election Finance Reporting

Whereas in order to ensure the fairness of our local government election process, there should be full and transparent reporting of financial contributions to elector organizations and candidates, including reporting by third party entities that engage in significant campaign activities in support of candidates or endorsed candidates, And whereas all financial transactions both during a campaign and outside of campaign periods should be reported; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province amend the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act to require full and transparent

Recommending Change of Strata Property Act and Residential Tenancy Act to Disallow Discrimination Against Pet Owners

Whereas BC is experiencing a housing crisis and it is hard enough to find shelter even if the prospective renter does not have pets that serve in effect as close family members and emotionally essential life partners for their owners; And whereas in 2017, an estimated 1700 pets had to be given up or terminated because their owners could not find stable shelter with them: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the BC government to change the Residential Tenancy Act and Strata Property Act such that landlords and strata organizations may not reject applicants for rental units because t

Greenhouse Gas Limits for New Buildings

Whereas the energy efficiency requirements for new buildings in the British Columbia Energy Step Code continues to allow levels of carbon pollution that are inconsistent with local government and provincial climate change commitments; And whereas failing to limit carbon pollution from new construction will necessitate retrofits to those new buildings in the future at greater difficulty and cost for building owners, occupants, and taxpayers: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the BC government to include GHG limits for new construction as an enforceable element in Division B of the

Request to the Government of BC for Dedication of One Percent of PST to Local Governments

Whereas due to downloading of responsibilities, local governments are increasingly reliant on granting systems that are not reliable in the long term and unequitable due to staff resources for small local governments compared to larger local governments; And whereas increased predictable revenue sharing arrangement reflects shared interests between local governments and the Province, including policing, recreation, transit, and the environment: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the BC government to allocate an amount equivalent to 1 percent of BCs Provincial Sales Tax PST to loca

Development Cost Charges Bylaw and Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

Whereas the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing administers the approval of the Development Cost Charges Bylaw for local governments and has rejected the inclusion of local government capital costs for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure MOTI highway interchanges on the basis that the local government does not own the aforementioned tangible capital asset; And whereas MOTI expects up to 33 per cent of highway interchange capital costs be paid for by the local government: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province of BC to provide for local governments to be able