GHG Reduction Legislation

Whereas measuring and reducing carbon pollution is critical to addressing the climate emergency: And whereas the courts are currently bound by the Plastic Bag Decision which would likely require ministerial approval of environmental bylaws and limit authority under the other heads of power; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province enact legislation to enable local governments to require GHG emission reduction or elimination, including the sale or installation of fossil fuel heating systems and sale of fossil fuel vehicles, and require upgrades to or removal of fossil

Water Conservation and Grey Water Use

Whereas local governments may require water conservation and grey water use in relation to a drainage system under section 82 and 3a of the Community Charter, and as a condition in a phased development agreement under section 5163 of the Local Government Act, but not in relation to plumbing requirements for new buildings or the retrofitting of old buildings: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province enact legislation to empower local governments to require water conservation and grey water use in relation to plumbing and drainage requirements for new buildings or the ret

Amend Section 86 of the Community Charter to Include Prohibit in Relation to Business

Whereas the current statute limits the authority to only regulating in relation to business and the original white paper on the Community Charter contained the proposed authority to prohibit as well as regulate, as in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Toronto, Winnipeg and Yukon; And whereas in order to proceed with several climate change best practices, it will be necessary to prohibit certain business practices, such as selling fossil fuel heating systems after a certain date: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province amend section 86 of the Community Charte

Predominant Purpose of Bylaw

Whereas the original intent of section 92 of the Community Charter was to give a council unfettered discretion to elect to adopt a bylaw under a head of power determined by the council such that a bylaw will be upheld if it is attacked on the basis that the predominant purpose in fact versus the legitimate purpose elected by the council is one requiring ministerial approval; And whereas the original intent and effect of section 92 was that a municipality need only determine one proper purpose for a bylaw to be valid, even if members of Council may have had other motivations: International

Green Roofs

Whereas currently the Local Government Act allows a local government to require landscaping under section 527 and to control runoff under section 523, but the LGA and Community Charter do not empower local governments to require and enforce the related building standard of construction prohibited under the Building Act or to require and enforce maintenance of green roofs, including with security requirements: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province amend the Local Government Act to empower local governments to expressly require green roofs and enforce the related build

Congestion Pricing

Whereas vehicle congestion leads to a plethora of issues, such as increased air pollution, increased GHG emissions, and reduced quality of life for individuals; And whereas congestion charges have been successful in cities around the world: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to enact legislation to enable local governments to impose and collect vehicle congestion charges.

Housing Supports for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Whereas adults with developmental disabilities receive only 375 a month for shelter housing which is inadequate to allow them to live independently; And whereas adults with developmental disabilities are not eligible for BC Housing subsidies, and BC Housing refers them to Community Living BC for additional support; And whereas Community Living BC provides support to address disability-related housing needs, but cannot fund the actual cost of housing: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the BC government to ensure that the totality of supports available for adults with developmenta

Safety Requirements for Existing Secondary Suites

Whereas secondary suites in single family dwellings are a widespread form of affordable rental accommodation in many BC communities; And whereas the BC Building Code does not provide sufficient flexibility to allow existing secondary suites in single family dwellings to meet current Building Code requirements without incurring significant costs associated with reconstruction: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the BC government to establish a province-wide policy on alternative life safety requirements for existing secondary suites in single family dwellings.

A Provincial Extended Producer Responsibility Program for Cigarettes and Vaping Products

Whereas waste from smoking cigarettes and vaping is unsightly, toxic to the environment and marine life, and is one of the most common sources of litter in many communities; And whereas awareness and enforcement campaigns, have been ineffective in addressing the problem, and public ashtray programs have had mixed success: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province to work with the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment CCME to include cigarette and vaping waste as a priority product category for extended producer responsibility in Canada, consistent with the 2019 Ca