Dike Work Permitting Process

Whereas in order to realistically facilitate the repair and maintenance of dikes during the annual fish window, many local governments and communities find the lack of provincial funding and the current dike work Permitting Process onerous, lengthy and conflicting; And whereas the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Diking Authority, and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans often have contradictory requirements in the dike work Permitting Process: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM encourage the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resou

Bare Land Strata Development Minimum Standards

Whereas bare land strata plan requirements for the stratas internal works and services are outside of local government purview; And whereas it is recognized that municipalities should prescribe all developments standards as the municipality is concerned with how infrastructure is originally built and with the standards of living in its community; And whereas current bare land strata developments do not have to meet minimum municipal standards, and as such may devolve into undesirable neighbourhoods that are inconsistent with other neighbourhoods, adversely affecting the land value beyond

Local Elected Official Benefits

Whereas one barrier to attracting a diversity of candidates to local government participation is the low compensation received by local government elected officials; And whereas benefits typically available to public servants at all levels of government are not readily available to local government elected officials, further widening the gap between elected officials and other public servants or private sector employees: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM work with the Province of British Columbia to establish an accessible benefits program for local government elected officials to suppor

Regional Food Supply Feasibility Study

Whereas the effects of climate change, primarily flooding and wildfire events, have highlighted how fragile our food supply chain can be; And whereas the need for a regional food supply system is greater than ever: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government, primarily the Ministry of Agriculture and the Premier of British Columbia, to support and fund local food supply feasibility studies, to ensure that as much food as possible can be grown, processed, and purchased within regional areas to sustain the local populations.

BC Emergency Health Services - Partnership with Local Government Sponsor

Whereas BC Emergency Health Services BCEHS ground ambulances are designed and equipped to provide emergency care and patient transport throughout British Columbia; And whereas BCEHS personnel work closely with local governments in emergencies and disasters; And whereas the lack of consultation with local government in the development of BCEHS policy that impacts life and safety may be harmful to our mutual constituents: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province of BC to require BCEHS to report regularly to local government prior to the initiation of a policy where that policy m

Physician Specialist Recruitment in Rural Areas

Whereas the Ministry of Health and Health Authorities, in partnership with Divisions of Family Practice, have initiated programs to develop Primary Care Networks PCNs and Urgent and Primary Care Centres UPCCs throughout the province to respond to a shortage of general practitioners and to provide conditions to attract general practitioners to rural areas; And whereas rural communities are extremely challenged to recruit and retain medical specialists in many fields: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province of British Columbia to establish a long-term program to identify the ro

Provincial Car Program

Whereas Car 40 Programs, which aim to support the diversion of those suffering with mental health issues from the criminal justice system, and reduce patrol response and unnecessary hospital admissions have been successful in a variety of formats across the Province since 1978; And whereas a Provincially integrated and funded Car 40 program would provide consistency to communities seeking new ways to support the health and safety of their residents: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province support an integrated Car 40 Program with appropriate and sustainable funding.

Ride Sharing

Whereas ride sharing is a convenient, safe, and responsive service which benefits local residents and the tourism industry as well as fosters economic growth; And whereas there exists a public need for the service and within smaller communities, ride sharing offers a more reliable option where traditional services are often inconsistent; And whereas it has been shown that taxi companies can financially tolerate the introduction of ride sharing companies, and ride sharing has been proven as a benefit to impaired driving reduction: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the BC Passenger

Tiny Homes

Whereas during the 20202021 fiscal year BC Housing subsidized nearly 19,000 shelter spaces and housing units and provided rent supplements and, further, it was reported by the Bank of Canada that in Quarter 3 of 2021 Canadians needed to spend over 37 of their household income to service a mortgage; And whereas owning a home in British Columbia is becoming increasingly unaffordable and tiny homes offer an affordable, quick to build and green alternative to standard housing: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province of BC to review the BC Building Code to address barriers such as,

Paid Protestors

Whereas the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides that every person in Canada has the right to freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly as part of a democratic nation; And whereas lawful protests provide citizens the opportunity to express views and grievances for government to respond to; And whereas individuals that are recruited and paid by organizations to protest on their behalf create a false perception of public opinion on matters of community interest: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to investigate and lobby for the prohi