Enabling Legislation for Green Roofs

Whereas green roofs serve multiple societal goals, including improved stormwater management, better regulation of building temperatures, reduced urban heat island effects, and increased urban wildlife habitat and biodiversity; And whereas currently the Local Government Act allows a local government to require landscaping under section 527 and to control runoff under section 523, but the Local Government Act and Community Charter do not empower local governments to require and enforce the related building standard of construction prohibited under the Building Act or require and enforce main

WorkSafe BC Coverage for Local Elected Officials

Whereas elected officials are regularly exposed to health and safety risks, including COVID-19, in the course of serving their constituents; And whereas WorkSafe BC regulations cover local government employees, but not elected officials: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of BC amend the WorkSafe BC health, safety and COVID-19 regulations to provide coverage for local elected officials.

Electronic Permit and Public Hearing Notification

Whereas the Local Government Act, Part 14, Divisions 3 and 8, requires that local governments give notice of public hearings in two consecutive issues of a newspaper, and temporary use permits in one issue of a newspaper; And whereas many small communities no longer have local newspapers, or a newspaper that meets the definition in the Community Charter: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to update the Local Government Act to allow temporary use permit and public hearing notifications to be provided electronically, via an application or website

Housing Models for Seniors

Whereas seniors in northern and rural BC have limited options for housing; And whereas a range of seniors housing is needed in every community: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby BC Housing to investigate new affordable housing models for seniors in northern communities.

Accelerated South of the Fraser Transit Service Improvements

Whereas the Province of BC has identified climate action, including cleaner transportation, and investment in community infrastructure as critical to BCs Economic Recovery Plan; And whereas Metro Vancouver and many of its member municipalities, including the Township of Langley, have committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions 45 by 2030 and 100 by 2050 requiring an immediate and significant shift away from gas and diesel-powered passenger vehicles yet areas South of Fraser, which will grow by more than 400,000 residents in the next 30 years, are currently underserved by public transpor

Support Working Forests on Vancouver Island and in British Columbia

Whereas a ban of Old Growth logging would result in job losses and impact the broader business community; And whereas a sustainably managed, working forest is critical for assisting carbon sequestering, managing climate change, supporting continued indigenous reconciliation, providing a vibrant economy for forest-based communities, and employing the hard-working men and women of the forest industry in British Columbia where millions of dollars are invested in the North Island, directly supporting forest-based communities and the overall Provincial economy; British Columbia is recognized a

Support for Working Forests in British Columbia

Whereas universal ban of old growth logging would result in major job losses for forestry-based communities and impact the overall provincial economy; And whereas sustainably managed, working forests are critical for assisting carbon sequestering, managing climate change, supporting continued Indigenous reconciliation, providing a vibrant economy for forest-based communities, employing British Columbians in direct and indirect forestry related businesses, with millions of dollars of investment directly supporting communities and the overall provincial economy; And whereas British Columbi


Whereas the provincial government completed a province-wide consultation process that resulted in a report entitled A New Future for Old Forests, A Strategic Review of How British Columbia Manages for Old Growth Forests Within its Ancient Ecosystems; And whereas the recommendations contained therein are long overdue while the remaining old growth forests are diminishing at an alarming rate: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the government to act on the recommendations in the report and place a deferral, in consultation with First Nations, on all old growth logging while the plannin

Old Growth Logging

Whereas ancient high productivity big tree old growth ecosystems are one of the most valuable tourism, First Nations culture, wild salmon enhancing, biodiversity banking, and climate resiliency assets; And whereas only a miniscule fraction of the planets original, high productive, ancient forests remain in BC, the vast majority of which is slated to be eliminated through logging; including the headwaters of Fairy Creek, the last unprotected intact old-growth watershed on southern Vancouver Island: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Government of British Columbia immediate