Addressing the Needs of Rural Seniors in British Columbia

Port Alberni

Whereas rural BC has a proportionately larger and faster growing seniors population than urban BC, yet has less infrastructure and resources to support its aging population; And whereas a greater and more focused provincial response to ongoing concerns about inequities in services and supports for seniors in rural BC is required to address the inadequacies of current approaches to such issues: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM endorse the recommendations of the Office of the Seniors Advocates report titled Challenges Facing BCs Rural Seniors and dated February 2024, as follows: - Development and Implement a Rural Seniors Housing Strategy - Development and Implement a Rural Health Human Resource Strategy - Develop and Implement Rural Seniors Home and Community Care Strategy - Develop and Implement a Provincial Long-Term Care and Assisted Living Plan Based on Equity Throughout the Province - Develop and Implement a Provincial Rural Transportation Strategy - Improve and Better Promote Both the Provincial Travel Assistance Program TAP and Hope Air - Increase Rural Representation in Government Through the Creation of a Ministry or Minister of State for Rural BC; And be it further resolved that UBCM call on the Provincial Government to implement said recommendations beginning with the creation of a Ministry or Minister of State for Seniors in Rural BC in recognition of the geographic imbalance of regional representation in the Legislative Assembly; And be it further resolved that the UBCM establish a rural seniors caucus within the UBCM membership made up of a combination of elected officials and government staff to serve as a platform for collaboration, advocacy, and policy development to address the specific challenges faced by rural seniors at the local government level.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive