Pre-Hospital Care - Demands on Local Governments

Port Alberni

Whereas the provision of pre-hospital care is a critical aspect of health care in British Columbia and Fire Departments, funded by local governments, have traditionally played a significant role in delivering pre-hospital care and that pre-hospital care falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial government; And whereas the increasing workload related to pre-hospital care, particularly in the area of medical first response, has put significant pressure on local governments arising from the need to allocate additional resources for training, fuel, vehicle maintenance, consumables, and staffing: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urgently appeal to the Province of British Columbia to take immediate steps to adequately staff and operate pre-hospital care services autonomously, assuming full responsibility for pre-hospital care, alleviating the burden on local governments and ensuring the provision of efficient and effective emergency medical services.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate