Whereas there has been a noticeable increase in delays in treatment and testing for all British Columbians, with a particularly significant impact on residents in rural areas; And whereas there is an expectation of a standard of practice that every individual should be able to rely on, ensuring that test results are promptly reviewed; however, delays in testing and review processes are causing undue stress and potential health risks, especially in rural communities; And whereas the discrepancy in wait times for test result reviews, such as heart halter monitors, between urban and rural locations can lead to adverse health outcomes, including increased mortality rates: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM jointly lobby the provincial government to compel the Health Authorities to review and address the discrepancies in the standard of care, particularly in wait times for test result reviews, across the province, with a specific focus on addressing the disparities between rural and urban areas; And be it further resolved that UBCM advocate for shared patient records between health authorities.