WHEREAS the increase in the number of grow operations in British Columbia has become a growing problem for police departments; AND WHEREAS BC Hydro is unable to supply police departments with records relating to unusual consumption of hydro: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities correspond with the Province of BC, requesting that it require BC Hydro and all other utilities to release records to the RCMP and other police departments so that the detection of grow operations in the Province of British Columbia can be simplified.
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Police access to BC Hydro subscriber information remains an issue given the pervasiveness of the marijuana grow operations in British Columbia. Grow operations are increasing in size and sophistication right across the Province. As a Crown Corporation, BC Hydro is statutorily bound by the privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act the Act. Section 33.2i of the Act authorizes BC Hydro and other public bodies to disclose personal information of individuals to a law enforcement agency in Canada to assist in a specific investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding or from which such a proceeding is likely to result. Other aspects of ss. 33.1 and 33.2 permit disclosure where health or safety is at risk and under a court order or warrant. Government is considering legislative amendments to allow BC Hydro to disclose customers personal information to law enforcement authorities to assist in locating marijuana grow-ops. The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia is open to the opportunity to consult with government on any legislative proposals. A review of the privacy implications of providing police and regulatory authorities with more ready access to subscriber information is warranted to determine if there is a better way to address public safety issues while addressing legitimate privacy concerns. The government is committed to ensuring that police and other authorities have the tools they need to protect the public.