Report released on passenger directed vehicles

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The Special Committee on Passenger Directed Vehicles has delivered its report to the Legislative Assembly of BC. The report provides 34 recommendations, including one related to transportation in small, rural, and remote communities.

In May 2023, the Legislative Assembly appointed a Special Committee to Review Passenger Directed Vehicles, under the Passenger Transportation Act. The Special Committee was tasked with reviewing passenger-directed vehicle services and transportation network companies such as Uber and Lyft.

What the Committee Heard re: Small, Rural, Remote Communities

The Committee heard that the Passenger Transportation Act does not differentiate passenger transportation services based on community size. Those who participated in the Committee’s public consultation—including UBCM—emphasized the importance of applying a rural lens to the Act to address the unique needs of small, rural, and remote communities. Submissions to the Committee highlighted gaps in service, and challenges with the viability of passenger-directed transportation (PDV) services in these communities.

Committee Discussion & Recommendation

The Committee acknowledged significant issues with PDV services in small, rural, and remote communities; in particular that reliable transportation can affect the lives of British Columbians through their ability to access services, health care, employment, or education. The Committee agreed that the Act does not do enough to promote PDV in these communities, nor has the legislative framework applied a rural lens. At the same time, the Committee noted the challenges of finding a market to support sustainable PDV services. They discussed the role PDVs could fill within the larger transportation ecosystem, notably to connect to other transportation modes with the goal of improving connectivity within and between communities.

In Recommendation 30 from the report, the Committee recommended to the Legislative Assembly that the provincial government:

Take a holistic approach to improve transportation connectivity within and between communities in small, rural, and remote areas that recognizes their unique needs and includes viable passenger directed vehicle options in conjunction with other transportation modes.

UBCM Submission on Passenger Directed Transportation

UBCM provided a written submission to the Special Committee in November 2023 and suggested the Special Committee should engage with the local governments who had sponsored related resolutions. UBCM understands that the Special Committee reached out to those local governments.