Funding for evacuation route planning

Publishing Date

The Community Emergency Preparedness Fund’s 2023 Public Notification and Evacuation Route Planning funding stream is now open for applications. The submission deadline is April 28.
This funding stream supports eligible applicants in the development of Evacuation Route Plans and/or Public Notification Plans that provide information for local governments, First Nations, and community members in the event of an emergency. Activities may include the development of a new or updated Evacuation Route Plan and/or a new or updated Public Notification Plan. Development or update of a local Emergency Plan is not eligible for funding. For both Evacuation Route Plans and Public Notification Plans, it is expected that plans will be exercised.
Applications are now being accepted for a number of streams in Spring, 2023. CEPF Program Guides and application forms are available for the following funding intakes:
2023 Emergency Support Services. Deadline: January 27, 2023
2023 Disaster Risk Reduction - Climate Adaptation. Deadline: February 24, 2023
2023 Emergency Operations Centres and Training. Deadline: March 31, 2023
2023 Public Notification and Evacuation Route Planning. Deadline: April 28, 2023
The Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) is a suite of funding streams intended to enhance the resiliency of local governments, First Nations and communities in responding to emergencies.