Province invests in front-line policing

Publishing Date

As part of the new Safer Communities Action Plan, the Province is committing $230 million over three years towards additional front-line and specialized police services. Funding responds to a long-standing UBCM request for the Province to adequately address service demands in communities under 5,000 in population and unincorporated areas.

This new commitment will also help increase the capacity of various specialized teams, and help support prosecutors and probation officers dealing with high-risk offenders.

Funding is expected to assist with the following:

  • Adding additional provincial policing resources (i.e. front-line officers) in communities under 5,000 in population;
  • Adding additional officers to specialized units, such as the major crimes section, sexual exploitation of children unit, and BC Highway Patrol;
  • Addressing the anti-money laundering recommendations made by the Cullen Commission.

UBCM has conveyed local government concerns to the province with the longstanding shortfall in police resourcing. Local governments have endorsed numerous resolutions seeking for the Province to add additional officers to address its policing responsibilities in communities under 5,000 in population. This issue was also highlighted in UBCM’s 2021 report and presentation to the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act.