E-Comm launches ‘Breathing’ public education campaign

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The public education campaign, Breathing, includes a two-part video series (Part 1; Part 2) highlighting how difficult it can be for call takers to differentiate between accidental calls and real emergencies.
According to E-Comm, approximately 20 per cent of all calls received on 9-1-1 lines are accidentally placed. These accidental calls take critical resources away from actual emergencies, where they are most needed. E-Comm call takers are trained to treat each 9-1-1 call as an emergency until they can verify otherwise. This process is necessary to ensure the safety of all callers, notably those who may be experiencing a crisis but are unable to communicate verbally. As noted in the two-part video series, those who dial 9-1-1 by accident are advised not to hang up, but instead to stay on the line and confirm that they are safe.
E-Comm has also outlined five tips for preventing pocket dials:

  1.     Lock and store your cellphone carefully whenever it’s not in use.
  2.     Know and understand the features on your cellphone and smartwatch. If you have “fall detection” or Emergency SOS functions enabled, become familiar with how they are triggered.
  3.     Turn your device on airplane mode if children are playing with it.
  4.     Do not program 9-1-1 into any phone.
  5.     If you do call 9-1-1 by accident, do not hang up. We need you to stay on the line so that we can ensure your safety.