Child minding and advance discount rates for #UBCM22

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We are closing in on the August 19th final deadline for UBCM member elected officials to pre-register for the Child-Minding Program during the 2022 UBCM Convention in Whistler. August 19th also marks your last opportunity to take advantage of the advance discount rates for Convention Registration and many of the special paid events on the agenda.
If you are still considering whether to join us September 12-16 in Whistler, don’t wait too long, the perfect time to register is this week while there are still limited seats available for most of our Pre-Convention Sessions, Community Forum and Area Association Lunches. Our advance discounted rates for Convention registration increase by $100 after August 19th.  
As a final reminder for busy parents, Child Minding Services will once again be available to elected officials of the UBCM membership during daytime programming. Parents must pre-register each child through UBCM to secure space for this special childcare program before Friday, August 19th. As it requires UBCM to secure and plan for the appropriate number of nannies along with suitable play and rest spaces well in advance of convention, drop-in child-minding services during convention week will not be available.