
Policy Scope

The Environment Committee works on behalf of UBCM members to monitor and advocate positive change in environmental policy, as well as promote solutions and share information to support community planning and sustainability. Through the committee, UBCM fulfills three basic functions:

  • Advocates for changes in federal and provincial environmental policy to assist local government in solving environmental concerns at the local level;
  • Represents local government in the development of environmental policy at the federal and provincial levels; and
  • Promotes and shares information on solutions to environmental problems which local governments have implemented.

Current priorities of the Environment Committee are: climate action, climate change and health, land-based spill response and preparedness, product stewardship, packaging and printed paper, small water systems, urban deer management, and the Water Sustainability Act and regulations. 

UBCM administers several funding programs related to environmental issues through the Canada Community-Building Fund and Local Government Program Services

UBCM has released its recommendations on how British Columbia's local governments can move towards a low-carbon future. Special Committee on Climate Action Recommendations (Nov 2020)
UBCM represents local government on the Advisory Committee for the proposed provincial Land Based Spills Preparedness and Response Strategy. Building on this, UBCM has undertaken ongoing advocacy regarding the issue. Some of the significant advocacy work is referenced below.…
An Advisory Committee was established by Multi-Material BC (MMBC) to inform and consult with stakeholders regarding implementing the printed paper and packaging stewardship program. As part of UBCM's efforts to monitor this implementation and the ongoing operation of the program…
The UBCM Small Water Systems Working Group has developed best management practices guidelines in an effort to address specific outstanding local government concerns around small water systems: Financial Best Management Practices Guidelines Subdivision Best Management Practices…
The UBCM Small Water Systems Working Group has developed guidelines for financial best management practices of small water systems.   Overview & Introduction Financial Best Management Practices for Small Community Water Systems in British Columbia [PDF - 739 KB…