Salary increase for RCMP commissioned officers

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The RCMP has announced a salary increase of 1.75% for each year from 2017-2023 for Commissioned Officers, who are not included as part of the RCMP collective agreement. The salary increase, which came into effect on April 1, 2022, also includes payments retroactive to 2017, when the last pay package expired.


As part of the salary increase, Inspectors and Superintendents are also entitled to a cumulative restructure adjustment of 6.81% and 5.36%, while those holding the rank of Chief Superintendent and above will receive one restructure adjustment of up to 10% depending on rank and maximum salary range. As a result of these changes, and as an example, an Inspector’s maximum salary will rise from $ 132,194 to $156,682 starting on April 1, 2022. The RCMP has indicated that all the new rates of pay will be published online in the near future.  

It is important to note that the costs to local government attributed to this salary increase are not covered in the collective agreement, and as such will be additional to and separate from the projections delivered by Public Safety Canada (PSC) last month to local governments over 5,000 in population. The cost impacts are based on detachment size and rank structures and as such will vary between local governments. More information will be found in the annual multi-year financial plan cost/savings matrix that is sent to RCMP contract holders.