Poverty Reduction Funding intake

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A third intake for the Poverty Reduction Planning & Action program has been announced by the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Social Development. The deadline for applications is February 11, 2022 and program materials can be found on the UBCM website.


In the previous two intakes, local governments across BC were awarded over $2 million to advance poverty reduction at the local level and to support the province’s poverty reduction strategy, TogetherBC.

Local governments can apply for grants up to $25,000 to develop or update poverty reduction assessments or plans, or for grants up to $50,000 to undertake local poverty reducing projects. Regional applications with a grant maximum of $150,000 will also be accepted from two or more local governments who wish to work collaboratively on either a plan or a project. Eligible applicants can submit one application per intake, including participation as a partnering applicant in a regional application.

All inquiries related to the funding program can be directed to UBCM’s program administrator.