Winter Driving and Railway Crossings

Publishing Date

Safety at rail crossings is a responsibility shared between the railway, the road authority, and individuals. Local governments that serve as the road authority have a responsibility to ensure snow removal operations are performed safely around railway crossings. Proper snow removal procedures and safety guidelines have been shared with all BC local governments in which CN operates. 

For example, improper snow clearing procedures could lead to the malfunction of Automatic Warning Devices (AWD) and obstruction of sightlines at railway crossings. Motorists approaching a railway crossing should have a clear view of the AWD, crossing signs (cross bucks), and approaching tracks. The road surface on the approaches should be cleaned to ensure that motorists can come to a complete stop.

Any damage to signage, crossing surfaces, or rails at a crossing should be reported immediately to CN’s 24-hour emergency number at 1-800-465-9239. Crossing posts at all public crossings are marked with a mile, subdivision marker, and the 24-hour emergency number. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CN Public Inquiry Line at 1-888-888-5909.