Special Committee on Climate Action Update

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The UBCM Special Committee on Climate Action held its third meeting on November 13th, which focussed on mitigation efforts at the local level. BC Hydro presented on the BC Energy Step Code, and the lessons learned on the role that local governments could take in tackling the remaining 25% of BC emissions not addressed through CleanBC

FortisBC also presented its Clean Energy Vision, and highlighted the different low carbon pathways that could be taken to achieve provincial emission reduction targets. 

The Committee reviewed and discussed Committee member submissions on key local government pathways for reducing emissions and for achieving a maximum 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius global temperature rise. The submissions focused on buildings, transportation, energy systems, waste management, land use planning, natural assets, and carbon sequestration. Committee deliberations addressed both the barriers to successfully implementing these pathways, as well as the factors that would ensure their successful adoption. The Committee will continue to explore mitigation pathways and extend this to issues related to adaptation at its next meeting in December.