Call for Child Care Planning Documents

Publishing Date

UBCM is seeking examples of existing child care planning resources to inform the development of a best practices guide on child care planning. The Guide will address a range of topics, including: developing child care strategies and plans; financing child care; designing, building and licensing child care spaces; and working with child care operators.

The City of Maple Ridge’s Guide to Child Care Facilities, or the City of New Westminster’s Opening a Child Care Facility resource are good examples of the types of resources the contractor is seeking for this project.

SPARC BC has been hired as the lead contractor for the guide. UBCM will manage this provincially funded project. The final document is expected by early summer 2020. A webinar on the Guide will also be offered for local government elected officials and staff in late June or early July. 

Local governments, and in particular, recipients of 2019 Community Child Care Planning funding that have prepared final reports, are invited to share documents to the SPARC BC.