Tree Planting to Proceed Under Strict Guidelines

Publishing Date

On April 23, 2020, the Provincial Health Officer released guidelines to reduce and mitigate the risks of COVID-19 for all tree planters in response to forestry and silviculture being defined as essential services.

All tree planters will be subject to strict screening procedures for COVID-19 symptoms before admission to field camps or community accommodations. Provincial regional staff will be reaching out to communities within the affected planting areas to discuss plans, protocols and procedures.

BC had planned planting over 310 million trees this year. Tree planting started on the Coast in February and will ramp up in the Interior over the coming weeks. The 2020 planting program is focussed on reforesting harvested areas, maximizing climate change mitigation benefits and rehabilitating areas affected by disease and the 2017-18 wildfires. 

Any questions or comments can be directed to Ann Lockley, Senior Extension Lead for the Office of the Chief Forester.