Emergency Program Act review update

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UBCM continues to work with Emergency Management BC (EMBC) through the UBCM-EMBC Flood and Wildfire Advisory Committee to address the modernization of provincial emergency management legislation. Engagement is expected to continue until the tabling of new legislation, which has been delayed due to COVID-19 from fall 2020 to spring 2021.

A follow-up EMBC summary of input provided towards the provincial discussion paper (a “what we heard” report) has also been delayed. EMBC has now returned its attention to the legislative work, and will be developing a plan to re-engage with partners and stakeholders, including timing to release the “what we heard” report.  New legislation, when it is introduced, will also incorporate lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In February 2020, UBCM provided a response to the discussion paper, for EMBC’s consideration. Among other things, the submission recommended an ongoing sustainable funding framework and adequate provincial support for local governments to address emergency management responsibilities, including those proposed in the discussion paper.

UBCM and the Flood and Wildfire Advisory Committee will be addressing these and other local government concerns in upcoming working group meetings.