Resolutions Database

Displaying 121 - 140 of 4361
Year Sort descending NumberResolution TitleConvention DecisionSponsor(s)
2020EB2Police Based Victim ServicesEndorsedSunshine Coast RD
2020NR33Local Government Price IndexNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveNanaimo City
2020EB10Abandoned VehiclesEndorsedSunshine Coast RD
2020NR13Encouraging Personal Accountability in Emergency ManagementNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveNelson
2020EB9Sustainable Funding for Highway Rescue ServicesEndorsedChase
2020EB47Forest Harvesting PlansEndorsedThompson-Nicola RD
2020EB32Accessibility Funding for Passenger Directed VehiclesEndorsedVancouver
2020NEB15Establish Standards for Building Electrification, Heat Pumps and Water HeatersNot EndorsedNorth Vancouver District
2020NR8Solving RCMP Municipal Resource PressuresNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveSquamish
2020EB64New Agricultural Land Commission RegulationEndorsedVanderhoof
2020NR18Needle Retrieval and Disposal ProgramNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveTerrace
2020C8Provincial Support for LibrariesNot Admitted for DebateVanderhoof
2020EB68Ranching ConcernsEndorsedPeace River RD
2020SR8Mental Health, Addictions and Poisoned Drug SupplyEndorsedUBCM Executive
2020C16De-Centralizing Forest ManagementNot Admitted for DebateNorth Cowichan
2020EB73Business Licensing Authority for Regional DistrictsEndorsedSunshine Coast RD
2020NR41Closing Federal Corporate Tax Loopholes to Fund Climate-Related Adaptation and MitigationNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveNelson
2020NR10Increased Funding for Provincial Police Resources Along the Trans-Canada Highway CorridorNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveRevelstoke
2020NR42Venting Index Requirement and Efficiency of BurnsNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveOkanagan-Similkameen RD
2020EB31Accessibility Guarantee for Passenger Directed VehiclesEndorsedVancouver