Uniform Business Regulations for Disposable Plastic Packaging


Whereas uniform regulations of businesses provide predictability, certainty and efficiency for consumers and business operators; And whereas unrestricted use of disposable plastic packaging is inconsistent with values of British Columbia residents and imposes costs on local governments in British Columbia, prompting communities to examine options for business regulations limiting disposable plastic packaging in order to contain costs and manage solid waste streams responsibly: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia work with local governments and retailers to introduce uniform, province-wide business regulations in relation to disposable plastic packaging, to substantially reduce the volume of disposable plastic packaging in local solid waste streams.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The Ministry greatly appreciates local government interest in addressing, through regulation, disposable plastic packaging. Disposable packaging is currently regulated through Extended Producer Responsibility EPR programs. B.C. is proud to be a leader in North America with more EPR programs with higher capture rates than any other North American jurisdiction. The Ministry has been focused on pursuing continuous improvement with our 22 existing EPR programs, and will consider expanding B.C.s EPR programs as part of our commitment to the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment Canada-Wide Action Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility. The Ministry will continue to engage with local government as ministry staff work towards further strengthening current policies and programs. The Ministry commends the actions taken by local governments to develop single-use item strategies and other related initiatives to reduce plastic in the environment.

Convention Decision