Transportation Safety

Burns Lake

WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has recognized the significant economic impact that is to be achieved by developing the Port of Prince Rupert into a container port; AND WHEREAS the container port will increase truck traffic through communities along Highway 16 and beyond: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to work with senior levels of government to ensure that where increased truck traffic poses a risk to citizens safety, that the provincial government provide the necessary leadership and support to facilitate alternate goods routes or other appropriate measures.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure The safe and efficient movement of people and goods is critical to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. The Ministry is committed to public safety throughout this highway corridor and has commissioned a Corridor Study to determine factors that may be affecting how this section of Highway 16 addresses the safety requirements of all stakeholders. This study will include an operational analysis of the existing route, a corridor study with options, cost estimates, recommendations and the preparation of a business case. The Corridor Study will include stakeholder representation from the Village of Burns Lake, Regional District of Bulkley Nechako and local First Nations. The Corridor Study has been initiated, and the first meeting with stakeholders occurred in Burns Lake on August 12, 2008. Data collection is scheduled for 2008 and 2009 with a target completion date of Summer 2009. The data collection will include extensive consultation with all stakeholders including local government, economic sector stakeholders, industrial users and the general public. It should be noted that the ministry has previously undertaken work in 2007 to address safety through this corridor. This work included the signalization of the Highway 16 and Highway 35 Intersection combined with measures to improve traffic flow through the community.

Convention Decision