Transforming the FireRescue Service Report Recommendations

Bulkley-Nechako RD

WHEREAS the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General will be considering a report titled Public Safety in British Columbia: Transforming the FireRescue Service Report which will affect the provision of fire rescue services in the rural areas of the Province; AND WHEREAS concerns have been raised about the impact upon local governments of the recommendations being put forward by the Fire Services Liaison Group to the provincial government: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request that the provincial government hold consultation meetings for local governments to provide direct input to the Province regarding the proposed Fire Rescue Service Report recommendations.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The Province has committed to review the report and respond to its recommendations. Emergency Management BC has established a Leadership Group of key stakeholders to assist in the review of the report, the determination of priority items and the creation of potential strategies to demonstrate a realistic, practical and deliverable role that the Province might fulfil in addressing the issues outlined in the report, particularly those impacting rural areas of the province. Local government has representation on the Leadership Group to address individual recommendations.

Convention Decision