Trans Canada Highway Upgrades


WHEREAS the two lane Trans Canada Highway, built in 1962, is a critical economic link to the Pacific Rim but has become inadequate for both commercial and private travelers, too often resulting in deaths or severe injuries as well as road closures that are affecting the BC economy; AND WHEREAS the provincial and federal governments have not committed the resources necessary to upgrade and improve the Trans Canada Highway, which is necessary to prevent this carnage and economic impact: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to take immediate steps to partner with the federal government to provide enough resources to complete the four lane upgrade of the Trans Canada Highway to the Alberta border, within the next ten years, ensuring fewer accidents and road closures.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Province has committed 650 million over the next 10 years to continue four-laning the Trans Canada Highway between Kamloops and the Alberta Border. This highway is a critical link from the Pacific Gateway to the rest of North America and these upgrades will improve safety and mobility while providing significant economic benefits. Over the past 10 years, the Province has partnered with the federal government to invest 700 million on Trans Canada Highway upgrades. The Province will be entering into negotiations this fall with the federal government to identify opportunities to partner on new projects and get the maximum benefit for the Provinces 650 million investment. The Trans Canada Highway traverses some of the most complex and challenging terrain in Western Canada and four-laning will require extensive and detailed engineering. The highway is a priority for upgrading and this investment will accelerate the rate of four-lane upgrading along this important corridor.

Convention Decision