Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing

Metro Vancouver RD

WHEREAS the Province of BC implemented an expanded Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing program in 2004 which provides local governments 100 of traffic fine revenue from ticket-fines and court-imposed fines on violation tickets; AND WHEREAS the Province directs that this revenue be used to enhance policing and community-based public safety programs; AND WHEREAS municipal police forces depend on the traffic fine revenue to maintain existing service levels; AND WHEREAS the Province has only confirmed the traffic fine revenue sharing levels up to July 2010: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities be requested to call upon the Province of BC to confirm the permanent traffic fine revenue sharing plan in order to provide certainty for municipal police budget planning for 2010 and beyond.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Rural Development The Province remains committed to providing local governments with the resources they need to ensure our communities are safe and secure. The Province recognizes that the Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing TFRS program represents significant financial resources which aid local governments in ensuring community safety and addressing community specific strategic priorities. While all grant programs are subject to annual appropriations from Treasury Board, the Provincial budget passed in 200910 includes amounts for the TFRS program to continue status quo for 2011 and beyond.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision