Trade Agreement European Union

Logan Lake

WHEREAS the Canadian government has entered into negotiations with the European Union for a comprehensive economic trade agreement; AND WHEREAS European corporations are insisting on full access to procurement by sub national governments - including local governments, school boards, universities, hospitals and other provincial agencies, which could significantly reduce or eliminate the right to specify local priorities when public money is invested in goods, services or capital projects; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM request: - a briefing from the Province of BC on the scope and content of trade negotiations with the European Union; - the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to provide sector-by-sector analysis of the potential impacts on local government functions and powers of the procurement regime that the European Union is seeking; and - the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to urge the government of Canada not to provide the European Union with access to sub national government procurement; and - that the provincial government negotiate a clear, permanent exemption for local governments form the CETA.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Tourism, Trade Investment The Province has a strong relationship with UBCM, including a legislated duty to consult in the Community Charter that has been exercised under recent internal negotiations such as the British Columbia-Alberta Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement TILMA. For the first time, provincial governments have been invited to participate in international trade agreement negotiations, specifically for a proposed Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement CETA between Canada and the European Union. The provinces and territories are active participants in most matters under their jurisdiction, including government procurement. The negotiation of trade agreements includes confidential information which impacts the final outcome of the agreement. During this time, the Province has been in a position to inform UBCM at the staff level of ongoing trade negotiations and has done so. As negotiations progress, the Province will brief UBCM to receive input on potential negotiating scenarios.

Other Response

Please note that this resolution is a Category E resolution - not in accordance with existing FCM policy - and is received for information only. The Board recently considered a very similar resolution. Resolution FIG10.3.04 - as adopted by our National Board of Directors in September - calls on the federal government to adopt a negotiating position that supports reciprocity in Canadian and European Union municipal procurement practices. Further FCM policy calls on the Government of Canada to recognize the impacts this deal may have on local governments and to take action to limit potential adverse effects on Canadas Cities and communities.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended Conveyed to FCM