Timber Supply Constraints


WHEREAS since 2004 the constraints on the interior forest districts have increased to where they now negatively impact the timber supply, resulting in a shortage of fibre supply threatening the loss of jobs, which would be devastating to the local economies; AND WHEREAS before the full effect of the mountain pine beetle was understood, constraints on the forest, in particular visual quality objectives and wildlife tree patches, were applied having a negative impact on local mills longevity and operations in their traditional areas: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM request that the Minister of Forests insures that there is a comprehensive cost benefit analysis completed along with a cumulative impact assessment on the current impacts of established constraints, in particular the constraints of visual quality objectives and wildlife tree patches.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Mines The Ministry of Ministry of Forests, Lands and Mines is committed to filling the gap or mitigating the expected downfall in the mid-term timber supply resulting from the mountain pine beetle epidemic. In addition to actions like enhanced silviculture, and extending the shelf-life of dead pine, the ministry is also exploring other ideas, including relaxing forest cover constraints, such as visual quality objectives, and increasing the size of the timber harvesting land base by adding low-volume stands. The Prince George Timber Supply Area is a good example. Recent analysis found that timber supply could be increased by five per cent or 324,000 cubic metres per year by removing visual quality objectives. A more complete analysis in the Prince George Timber Supply Area will be ready this fall. Changing some constraints may require legal or policy changes, which will involve public and First Nations consultations. Licensees also have to consider how changing the constraints affects their sustainable forest practices certification and ability to market wood products.

Convention Decision