Tax on Vacant Derelict Residential Properties


Whereas the Government of British Columbia and Legislative Assembly responded to a housing affordability crisis by proceeding with legislation that empowered the City of Vancouver to introduce a surtax on vacant residential properties; And whereas communities across British Columbia face housing affordability pressures while a portion of the housing supply in all communities remains vacant, including properties that have remained derelict for years and, these derelict vacant buildings pose substantial risks in terms of public safety as well as liveability and desirability for adjoiningnearby neighbourhoods and properties: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to extend the authority to introduce a surtax on vacant and derelict residential properties to local governments across British Columbia and encourage the occupancy, maintenance and improvement of buildings to address housing affordability and public safety.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs Housing One of the Provinces top priorities is supporting our local governments in addressing housing affordability for British Columbians both renters and buyers. To help address this goal, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, has met with several mayors to discuss comprehensive housing solutions. The Ministry has received UBCMs Housing Strategy and looks forward to continuing to work together on recommendations included in the report. In addition, ministry staff worked with the federal government, and other provinces and territories to help develop a new National Housing Strategy. This includes possible ways to promote affordability through increasing housing stock. Regarding a surtax on derelict properties, the Province has reservations about creating this authority for municipalities as they already have the authority to regulate, prohibit, and impose requirements on unsightly premises. Included in this authority is the ability to establish a fine for violation of municipal bylaws and impose fees for municipal works done on the property.

Convention Decision