Supportive Recovery Houses


WHEREAS supportive recovery residences provide accommodation for persons recovering from drug or alcohol addictions and the unregulated operation of these residences is a serious matter of public safety; AND WHEREAS the provincial government, which is responsible for public safety, abdicated its responsibility to regulate supportive recovery residences by exempting those that provide two or less prescribed services from the requirement to obtain a community care facility licence under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urge the provincial government to regulate and license supportive recovery residences in the interest of providing better access to treatment for individuals seeking assistance for substance misuse.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The Government of British Columbia Government worked closely with municipalities and health authorities on the creation of the 2002 Community Care and Assisted Living Act Act, which provides for the regulation of support recovery as assisted living residences, and the licensing of more intensive treatment facilities. Facilities are fully licensed by Government where intensive addictions treatment or detox services are provided, or several health care services, such as: storing and dispensing medications, management of cash or other resources, nursing care, professional counseling, or monitoring food intake. While many support that recovery homes provide tremendous service to those who use them, Government recognizes there are those who may take advantage of those in need of recovery services. The Ministry of Health, in partnership with health authorities, continues work to develop a registration process for recovery houses and other mental health and addictions residences that provide a lower level of support. A support recovery home that offers housing, five specified hospitality services and one or two prescribed services, such as medication assistance and maintenance or management of resident cash resources or property, would have to register as an assisted living residence under the Act unless otherwise exempted under section 2 of the Act. Registration as assisted living residences under the current Act will ensure that support recovery homes meet basic health and safety standards, and that a complaints-based regulatory model is available to residents.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended