Support for Agricultural Initiatives

Lake Country

WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia ranks tenth of all the provinces in its financial support of agriculture, measured as a percentage of Agriculture and Agri-Food GDPs; AND WHEREAS amid growing public interest in the ability to feed ourselves locally and provincially, the agricultural industry is experiencing increasing challenges; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia increase its funding of agricultural initiatives that will help to increase the productivity and efficiency of our diverse agricultural sectors.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands The Province of British Columbia is providing considerable funding to the agri-food sector to increase productivity and self-sufficiency of the agri-food sector. The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands has concentrated its funding options on targeted programs such as those related to business risk and crop insurance for our producers rather than generic support programs, and this business model appears to be working. Additionally, our British Columbia Agriculture Plan: Growing a Healthy Future for Farm Families released February 15, 2008 dedicates an additional 5.6M a year for the next three years to agriculture in BC totalling 16.8M from existing funding. This plan is designed to support the agriculture industry by helping industry members become more self-sustaining and is supporting those programs with the following funding: 1M per year to promote local agricultural products and develop a BC brand. Fund with 1M per year to implement a Food Miles project to reduce GHG emissions associated with food purchases. Complete a 14.5M containment level 3 laboratory in Abbotsford. Increase adoption of Environmental Farm Planning program with investment of 2-3M. Provide 4M per year, starting in 200809, to match federal funds of 6M per year to implement the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. The 2008 interim program under the Continuity Agreement will compensate qualifying cattle and forage producers whose unharvested forage crop intended for livestock feed has been damaged by wildlife and this program will continue for the ensuing years. Provide 500,000 per year to increase extension staff for the Summer Extension Assistance Program and Greenhouse positions. Expand crop trials and demonstrations by 200,000. Enhance funding by 100,000 to the BC Provincial 4H council for delivery of 4H programs in BC. Increase funding by 100,000 for agriculture in the classroom programs. In addition, funding has been made available under other programs: The Ministry has invested 8.8M in the Meat Transition Assistance Program, which started in 200607 which helps producers comply with the Meat Inspection Regulations through upgrades to operations and facilities. The Province provided 3.3M in 200809 to the BC Cattlemens Association to support the implementation of the beef industry strategic plan by assisting in further development of domestic, national and international markets and continuing the Farmland Riparian Interface Stewardship Program. The Ministry is funding the development of a Food Miles project, with 3M over 3 years, starting in 200809, to inform consumers about the distance their food has travelled to market. Additionally, the government has recently announced a Farm Assessment Review Panel on December 17, 2007 which will be holding public meetings throughout the Province to ensure the assessment and taxation of agricultural land is fair and equitable.

Convention Decision