Strong Fiscal Futures

UBCM Executive

Whereas the UBCM membership unanimously endorsed the Strong Fiscal Futures report at the 2013 Convention; And whereas UBCM has sought to engage the Province on strengthening the local government finance system and improving taxpayer value through a spirit of collaboration and partnership; And whereas the Province, through the Core Review process, without consultation with UBCM, identified areas of provincial concern with the local government finance system: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province to commit to meaningful engagement under the Strong Fiscal Futures framework in order to meet our respective mandates of strengthening the local government finance system.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The directions contained in Strong Fiscal Futures and the Provinces Taxpayer Accountability Principles provide a foundation to engage in dialogue between the Province and UBCM. To make progress on issues our organizations have identified over the past year, the Province and UBCM should move to establish a more collaborative and practical working relationship. The Province recognizes that key to making future collaboration successful is to schedule regular meetings between the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and members of the UBCM Executive. With local government elections now complete, the Province is working with UBCM to secure several meeting dates for 2015. By creating more structure and opportunities for regular dialogue, the Province and UBCM will better address our shared duty to ensure the delivery of effective, responsive services to citizens.

Convention Decision