Strengthening the Primary Care Home Network


Whereas Divisions of Family Practice have been instrumental in recruiting and retaining family physicians at the community level through participation in the provincial A GP for Me initiative and other efforts in collaboration with regional and provincial partners, thus facilitating the attachment of thousands of patients across British Columbia; And whereas the rapid rate of family physicians retiring across the province remains an ongoing challenge for thousands of British Columbians trying to access primary care and establish a longitudinal relationship with a family doctor; And whereas research reveals a strong primary care network built around continuous doctor-patient relationships improves health outcomes for patients, reduces unnecessary hospital visits, and improves the overall patient-provider experience: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be requested to allocate long-term fixed funding to Divisions of Family Practice to support their ongoing recruitment and retention of family physicians, along with collaboration between the Ministry of Health and British Columbia health authorities towards the goal of attaching every citizen to patient-centred and community base primary care homes.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The government is committed to the implementation of a provincial system of primary and community care built around inter-professional teams, which is identified as a strategic priority in Setting Priorities for the B.C. Health System. Divisions of Family Practice are valued and supported by the Ministry of Health the Ministry and health authorities as integral to this health system transformation. The support of divisions demonstrates a shift towards local accountability that in turn supports meeting the comprehensive primary care needs of geographic patient populations, which will continue to be important as primary care service delivery evolves. Divisions currently receive joint clinical committeeGeneral Practice Services Committee GPSC funding under the Physician Master Agreement, the terms of which are negotiated every five years the current agreement is in effect to March 31, 2019. Under the GPSC and in partnership with Doctors of BC and health authorities, the Ministry continues to work with its health system partners, including divisions, local communities and family physician practices to vigorously pursue the establishment of networks of patient medical homes that are integrated with health authority primary care services in patient-centred, community-based, primary care homes. Primary care homes will also be linked to health authority programs focused on delivering coordinated health care programs designed to meet the needs of priority populations, including those with complex medical conditions andor the frail elderly, and those with moderate to severe mental health and substance use problems. This work includes other key considerations such as funding models, information management and information technology, and privacy and information sharing. The government is also committed to supporting the recruitment and retention of family physicians, in order to increase primary care capacity and attach all British Columbians who want one to a regular primary care provider in a primary care home. That support includes funding to Divisions of Family Practice, and other organizations such as family physician practices and health authorities. In support of the Patient Medical Home and team based service attribute, GPSC and the government are working collaboratively to explore initiatives to increase practice capacity and patient access by supporting the addition of nurses in physician practices. These initiatives will be initially implemented as proof of concept in key communities.

Convention Decision