Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative Funding


WHEREAS the Provincial Fuel Management Working Group has changed the funding formula for fuel management programs to disallow the leveraging of UBCM Strategic Wildfire Prevention Program Initiative dollars by using accrued grant totals spent money from the federal and provincial governments or accrued in-kind contributions from local government; AND WHEREAS local governments are very hard pressed to find new local tax money to fund their share of operation fuel management projects: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM work to change the funding formula and restore the ability of local governments to use recently expended funds and in-kind contributions to leverage new Strategic Wildfire Prevention Program Initiative dollars.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations It is important to complete community wildfire projects to reduce wildfire risks to communities. All communities are encouraged to continue participating with available UBCM funding from the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative SWPI. The objective of the UBCMMinistry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations fuels management program is to treat identified high-risk urban interface areas in a cost-effective treatment program that meets the objectives for the project. The Provincial Fuel Management Working Group is currently reviewing the 2011-12 Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative and will consider initiative adjustments, including reviewing funding ratios. If approved, initiative adjustments would be implemented in the 2013 program.

Convention Decision