Strata Water Quality Regulation


WHEREAS health authorities no longer have the jurisdiction to regulate water quality within strata development under the Drinking Water Protection Regulations: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urge the Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport to remove the regulation exemption for strata developments from the Drinking Water Protection Regulations.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Healthy Living Sport This Order in Council Regulation was developed to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy in the development of strata developments, which in nearly all cases, simply redistribute water from approved water systems to customers without the need for further infrastructure. Since this time, the Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport MHLS has become aware of some strata systems that require more complex infrastructure. The MHLS is aware of this issue and is working with health authorities to review this and find more effective ways of achieving desired outcomes.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Environment Committee
Committee Decision