Standardization of Social Assistance Rates

Prince Rupert

WHEREAS married couples receive less support on disability, welfare, andor old age security than they would if they were single individuals, thereby decreasing their ability to live with security and dignity, as protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; AND WHEREAS this practice is discriminatory, and therefore violates the guarantee of equality set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the provincial and federal governments to award equal financial support to individuals on disability, welfare andor old age security regardless of their marital status.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Social Development Social Innovation The BC Employment and Assistance program provides assistance as a payer of last resort and provides the minimum required support and shelter. Clients whom the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation Ministry considers to be spouses are expected to share resources, to support one another and achieve extra economies of scale from two persons being in a relationship of ongoing financial interdependence. The Ministry considers two persons to be spouses if they are married or living in a marriage-like relationship. That is why, when compared to two singles, the Ministry provides a lower rate of assistance to spouses. This framework is a common aspect of many social programs across Canada.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision