Whereas the current process for making decisions to rehabilitate or euthanize all species of juvenile wildlife is inconsistent throughout the Province of BC and is left to various local authorities personal opinion, some of whom lack training or experience in wildlife rehabilitation or assessment; And whereas people have a responsibility because the most common reason for orphaned wildlife is human-caused road kill, hunted, habitat interference, and the general public does not want orphaned wildlife to be left to die or shot as is often the current practice: Therefore be it resolved that the BC provincial government support the work and informed decision-making by Conservation Officers to consider not require orphaned and or injured juvenile wildlife for rehabilitation, by providing up-to-date information on licensed rehabilitation facilities located in the Province; And be it further resolved that the BC provincial government work with licensed wildlife rehabilitators in BC, wildlife biologists, veterinarians, and conservation officers to develop a standardized procedure for the assessment of suitability for rehabilitation, capture, emergency treatment, and transfer to a wildlife rehabilitation facility for orphaned and injured wildlife.