Stable Funding for the Forest Enhancement Society

Cariboo RD

Whereas the Forest Enhancement Society of BC is committed to supporting projects that reduce greenhouse gases, protect communities from wildfire, improve wildlife habitat and create jobs; And whereas uncertainty in funding and resource availability is limiting the Societys ability to plan, support and complete long-term projects that would benefit British Columbia: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the provincial government for long-term sustainable funding for the Forest Enhancement Society of BC.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests Forest Enhancement Society of BC has been a proven partner in the delivery of projects that contribute to the Provinces key commitments of managing for climate change, sustainability and reconciliation; leading to continued benefits for BCs forests, Indigenous peoples, and communities. In fiscal year 202223, the province provided 25 million to the Forest Enhancement Society of BC to support community projects that reduce the risk of wildfires over the next two years. To date, over 20 community forestry projects have been allocated funding. Project application is on-going until all the funding has been allocated. Government is currently reviewing the feasibility of additional funding to the Forest Enhancement Society of BC.

Convention Decision