Social Housing


WHEREAS the anticipated upcoming expiration of subsidy or rent supplement operating agreements with the provincial and federal governments will have a significant impact on the availability of affordable and subsidized rental housing, including some housing units targeted towards persons who are homeless; AND WHEREAS the lack of affordable housing and the incidence of homelessness is a growing and complex problem affecting all British Columbian and Canadian communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM call on the federal government, through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and other avenues as appropriate, to assess, examine, and renew the subsidy, rent supplements, or other supports for operating agreements set to expire; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UBCM call on the federal government, through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and other avenues as appropriate, to collaborate with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, and non-profit housing providers and other housing stakeholders to ensure the viability and sustainability of all social housing stock through a national action plan on housing for Canada.

Convention Decision