Smoke Free Outdoor Public Places


WHEREAS the US Surgeon General, in a definitive report issued June 2006, concluded that there is no safe level of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke, even in outdoor settings. Scientific evidence shows that, although varying from situation to situation, the fine particulate matter in second-hand tobacco smoke generally does not dissipate until 7.5 m from its source; AND WHEREAS thirty 30 municipalities across British Columbia have taken a leadership role in implementing smoke-free outdoor public places by-laws, unfortunately these by-laws contain a variety of different requirements and conditions which can cause confusion for the public: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM ask the provincial government to consult with industry and implement legislation banning tobacco smoking in customer service patios of restaurants, in bars and pubs; in parks; on playgrounds, on beaches; at public events; and at least 7.5 m from each of these locations; and at least 7.5 m from doors, windows and air intakes of public buildings.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The Province of British Columbia is pleased to have strong support from local government for tobacco control initiatives. Local governments understand their communities readiness for stronger standards and have in many instances already exceeded the baseline set by the Tobacco Control Act. Local governments have and will continue to promote healthy living. Through the Tobacco Control Act, we are pleased to provide a baseline of protection across the province. Local governments understand their communities readiness for stronger standards and have in many instances exceeded the baseline set by the Tobacco Control Act. We will continue to encourage municipalities to provide outdoor smoking bylaws that are a fit for their community.

Convention Decision