Small Volume Forestry Sales


WHEREAS the forestry industry remains the primary economic driver in many small communities in BC; AND WHEREAS the ability for small communities to rebound from downturns in the forest economy depends upon having a remnant qualified forest sector labour force; AND WHEREAS extreme unemployment in communities burdened by a prolonged downturn in the forestry industry results in the out-migration of experienced logging contractors: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government amend the Forest Act to provide BC Timber Sales with the authority to take other factors into consideration e.g. unemployment levels when evaluating local and non-local bids for licenses that are located nearby a forest-dependent local government.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests and Range and Minister Responsible for Housing The Ministry of Forests and Range Ministry understands the desire of local governments to support local forest industry jobs. However, BC Timber Sales BCTS was specifically created to support governments new market-based pricing system through the competitive auction of Crown timber. By creating BCTS, more wood is made available to more people on the open market. BCTS is not the only option for local operators. Other opportunities exist, such as partnering with holders of non-replaceable forest licences and community forest agreements. The Ministry is exploring new types of tenure that will help create more opportunities for small companies, and bridge the gap between small scale salvage and BCTS.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended