Whereas enactment of bylaws to regulate single-use items by individual municipalities could lead to a mosaic of regulations across the region and in BC, which may lead to confusion and inconsistency for residents and businesses in the sale or distribution of these items; And whereas greater consistency could be achieved by implementing a regional approach; And whereas regional districts do not have the authority to establish bylaws or regulations in relation to the sale or distribution of single-use items: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province to engage with regional governments to develop legislation which would provide regional districts with the legislative authority to restrict the sale and distribution of single-use items.
Ministry of Environment and Climate Action Strategy Recognizing the desire of municipalities to take action on single-use plastics, the Province recently amended the Spheres of Concurrent Jurisdiction Environment and Wildlife Regulation Regulation under the Community Charter, to provide a clear framework for the development of harmonized municipal bylaws. The Province also recognizes that different municipalities may have differing needs when regulating single-use plastics. Hence the Regulation offers a degree of flexibility, for example, with the types of single-use items to regulate, along with implementation timelines and exemptions. As announced on Oct. 26, 2021, the Province is developing a provincial legal framework for bans to address single-use plastic waste and pollution, which will deliver greater provincial consistency while complementing current municipal actions. The framework includes the introduction of new legislation that enables the Province to take direct action to phase out single-use plastic products and packaging. Decisions will be made based on the environmental and economic impacts of any bans, with the first phase of new regulations expected in early 2023. Regional districts are encouraged to support their member municipalities in their efforts to develop bylaws under the Regulation to ban single-use plastics, in order to achieve consistency across the region. For example, the Regional District of Metro Vancouver is developing a harmonized regional approach to inform member municipalities who want to move forward with implementing bylaws: http:www.metrovancouver.orgservicessolid-wastereduction-reusesingle-use… Additionally, the Environmental Management Act requires regional districts to develop solid waste management plans that are approved by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. These plans include many actions around waste prevention and reduction that require working with municipalities in the region to develop an effective plan and implementation of various services, bylaws and other measures by municipalities to support the solid waste management plan.