Single Transferable License Plate


WHEREAS many resource-based, rural and remote British Columbian drivers must rely on large vehicles for business, work and basic winter transportation; AND WHEREAS drivers cannot afford the double insurance charged by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ICBC for a second fuel-efficient vehicle that could be used when the larger vehicle is not needed; AND WHEREAS the double insurance nullifies any cost savings in fuel efficiency of a second fuel-efficient vehicle: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM encourage the provincial government, as part of its Climate Action Plan, and to stimulate the economy, to direct ICBC to allow drivers, who can drive only one vehicle at a time, to purchase a single license plate that could be transferred between fuel-inefficient and fuel-efficient vehicles, as needed.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The Province is committed to meeting its legislated greenhouse gas targets 33 below 2007 levels by 2020 and 80 reduction by 2050, and will continue to work with ICBC in exploring vehicle insurance options that could help meet these ambitious targets. Assigning a license plate to each specific vehicle is important for law enforcement and insurance purposes. For example, police may better investigate hit and run incidents, and more easily locate vehicles when linked to a specific plate. Each plate serves to identify the Basic insurance policy for that particular vehicle. As well, the requirement that each vehicle have Basic insurance reduces the number of uninsured vehicles on our roads. As part of their long term strategy, ICBC will be looking at ways to improve pricing and make premiums more reflective of driver and customer risk. Possible changes could include a discount for customers when there is more than one vehicle owned and operated by the same person.

Convention Decision