Sewerage System Regulation

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS the implementation of the Sewerage System Regulation SSR which regulates onsite sewage disposal systems has caused implementation challenges for local governments since the SSR came into effect on May 31, 2005; AND WHEREAS these challenges include increased costs to homeowners, a lack of flexibility in system installations, an inadequate number of practitioners and professionals, a lack of communication and liability concerns; AND WHEREAS the UBCM membership endorsed a seventeen 17 point action plan in the 2007 UBCM Environment Action Plan which identified a series of policy and regulatory actions that would address local government concerns with the SSR; AND WHEREAS several key policy and regulatory deliverables contained in the action plan have yet to be completed: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM call upon the Province to make the policy and regulatory changes identified in the SSR action plan in order to address outstanding local government concerns with the Regulation.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Healthy Living Sport At the 2008 UBCM Annual Convention, the Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport MHLS, the Ministry of Community Development, and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities signed a Memorandum of Understanding MOU regarding Sewerage System Regulation Implementation Challenges For Local Governments. This MOU represents a commitment by the Parties to work in partnership to complete the action plan and, if necessary, take additional measures to address local government implementation concerns. This partnership is taken in the interests of improving the management of onsite wastewater in British Columbia.

Convention Decision