Seniors Testing Under DriveABLE Program


WHEREAS under the DriveABLE program, the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles requires that at 80 years of age, senior citizens may be required to be tested to confirm their fitness to drive; AND WHEREAS due to the urban locations of DriveABLE testing facilities in British Columbia, seniors in rural areas are required to travel substantial distances in order to be tested, resulting in considerable physical duress and financial burden: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC be requested to provide additional testing facilities or implement other options that would allow testing to be done in the community where the senior resides.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General DriveABLE is a specialized assessment tool used for only a small percentage of driver fitness assessments and so it is not feasible to always ensure testing is available in the community where the senior resides. DriveABLE assessments require the expertise of a trained healthcare provider typically a kinesiologist or an occupational therapist to facilitate each assessment. The current driver medical fitness process is similar to many other medical assessments the initial screening is done at the community physician level, but specialized assessments often need to be done at a regional level, where the specialist equipment and skills are located. However, the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles is looking at opportunities to further expand the number of locations where DriveABLE assessments are available. We are also working with our existing DriveABLE service providers to look at options for providing mobile assessment services or using satellite locations. A mobile unit has been added on a pilot basis to address the needs of drivers in the Sechelt area. We continue to work with service providers to provide increased access in other areas of the province.

Convention Decision