Secondary Roads

100 Mile House

WHEREAS in the 1990s the government of the day downloaded the responsibility and cost for secondary roads onto municipalities; AND WHEREAS the removal of Mountain Pine Beetle infested timber by increased truck traffic and lack of rail cars is severely impacting secondary road infrastructure: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government take back secondary roads and bridges from municipalities or subsidize the capital improvements of such roads and bridges.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation The Ministry of Transportation Ministry recognizes the need to maintain and rehabilitate the road and highway network to mitigate impacts the catastrophic Mountain Pine Beetle outbreak is having on the provincial road system. The Ministry is investing 90 million on provincial, over three years, to ensure that affected wood can be economically transported in an efficient and safe manner and help ensure that the goals and objectives of the Provincial Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan are met. With respect to secondary highways, the former Highway Act was amended, effective April 1, 1997, to remove references to secondary highway and eliminate the authority for the Ministry to fund these highways and municipal bridges. This infrastructure is now considered a municipal responsibility as it serves a municipal, not provincial, network purpose. For information, a distinction is made between secondary roads and secondary highways. A secondary road is an internal Ministry functional classification applicable only to roads administered by the Ministry. A secondary highway existed where a designation was placed on a municipal road, via an Order in Council, which would then allow for provincial funds to be spent on that highway.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended